Täckningskartan är en fingervisning på vilken täckning du kan förvänta dig på den platsen som är markerad på kartan. Du kan filtrera mellan de olika näten för ett mer specifikt resultat.
Den förväntade täckningsupplevelsen är baserad på utomhustäckning, ej inomhustäckning. Täckningen på platsen, både utomhus och inomhus kan variera med anledning av flera faktorer, såsom:
Vegetation och bebyggelse
Närliggande radiosändare
Belastning på mast och mobilnät
Driftkartan visar var det finns driftstörningar just nu. En driftstörning kan bero på såväl planerade som oplanerade avbrott.
En orangemarkerad driftstörning innebär att en tjänst har störningar. Det kan omfatta alla funktioner eller en specifik tjänst, t.ex data eller SMS.
En rödmarkerad driftstörning innebär att en tjänst har helt avbrott. Det kan omfatta alla funktioner eller en specifik tjänst, t.ex data eller SMS.
Inabler har inte egna servicetekniker i anslutning till dessa störningar. Vi kan inte påskynda ett ärende.
Estimated time from ordering an MVNO until launch date is approximately 3 months.
From the day that you decide to launch an MVNO, we pick up the pace. After our first contact the flow looks as follows, depending on specific needs and your own desired launch date.
Planning and strategy
We evaluate your business plan and wanted product offering. We set up a common plan - and you decide the name of your MVNO.
Design and development
We design and develop your products and services, and sign the necessary third party agreements for your operation.
Testing and delivery
The first subscriptions and SIM cards are now ready and are being tested in the network. After testing, you are ready to officially launch as the newest mobile operator on the market.
Operating an MVNO means you have full control of your products, offers, and customer base. You are free to choose your own marketing, customer group, niche, products, services, campaigns, pricing and lots more. In comparison to being a reseller in telecom, the biggest focus while operating an MVNO is nurturing existing customers and building a strong brand.
Inabler employees have years of experience in the telecom industry, actively working in the reseller branch, launcing and operating MVNOs, telemarketing, field sales and customer service.
In short words, we are seeing, and have seen, MVNO operations from different perspectives when it comes to marketing, sales and customer service. By applying this to your business, you get an advantageous head start as the newest MVNO on the telecom scene.
As an MVNO, your end users are accessing an existing network provider's system. Inabler's service provider agreement states that all MVNO's end users get the exact same capacity as the network provider's own end users.